Sunday, December 2, 2007

Obligatory Map post

Right, so I've been plugging the play as much as I can like a good boy. (Halo) Which happens alot, given the fact that I shaved my head, so alot of people I know (and don't know, come to think) will always ask "What happened there?" And after making brief and over-the-top shaolin monk jokes, I tell them the real reason and conveniently hand out postcards of the play in a show and tell manner.
But I've found that everytime I do, the conversation always goes something like this.

"Oh, The Illusion! What's it about?"
So I tell them.
"Cool! Where is it!"
And I tell them its in section 17.
Okay, my brain says, granted, section 17 is a big place. So I ask if they know:
a) Happy mansion
b) Food foundry
c) the school on road 17/13
So yeah. I see a massive problem in plugging the play.

So I am glad to be able to say that I was quick witted and most practical in my solution to these mapless wanderers by directing them here to this blog. (I hope you all bloody well heeded my advice.)

So, dear reader. Here you go.

And if you STILL don't know where that is... *deep breath* Call someone. :P

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