Thursday, November 22, 2007

It Is What It Is

Wise idea for the director to have his stage manager a.k.a. minion to write down rehearsal notes. I found it quite handy after all - my knowledge about putting up a show being fed very well so far. Considering these thespians have other jobs & obligations, I'm assuming they need a lil' hand in remembering what they did (or didn't) after each rehearsal.

One problem I can't help myself from would be analysing the play as a text rather than its very nature - to be staged. Pathetic. Once rehearsal(s) started taking shape though, it was not hard to ignore the fact that it is what is and not a text. Instead of merely thinking the why's and what's, you'll also start to notice the how's and ways to approach it (as in perform it). Nice, love it when it gives us options.

Deadline is in 3 weeks; worst have yet to come until then (or so someone told me). I should hope (demand) for walkie-talkies. It makes me look organised.

Over & out.

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